- SUNSET l2013 oil on panel 15 1/2 x 12 Private CollectionKayla Mohammadi MOONSCAPE VI2012 acrylic and enamel on board 12 x 9 inchesBOLI (BULL)2013 oil on wood 12 x 16 inches Private CollectionUNTITLED2013 acrylic and oil 5 x 4 feet Private CollectionGOOD LEVEE II2012 oil on panel 12 x 15 1/2 inches Private CollectionUNTITLED2013 oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches Private CollectionMAINE SHADOWS2013 oil on canvas 12 x 16 inches Private CollectionARGENTINA2013 acrylic and oil on canvas 5 x 4 feet Private CollectionMOONSCAPE I2013 oil on wood 12 x 16 inches Private CollectionSpring 2013Kayla Mohammadi SPRING 2013 oil on panel 16 x 20 inchesBLUE AND WHITE INTERIOR I2009 acrylic on paper 12 x 15 1/2 inches Private CollectionGOOD LEVEE II 2012 oil on panel 12 x 15 1/2 inches Private Collection2012 oil on panel 12 x 15 1/2 inches Private CollectionPERSIAN MINAIATURE I2008 oil on wood 16 x 12 inches Private CollectionYES2016 oil on canvas 22 x 16 inchesMOONSCAPE VII2013 oil on wood. 9 x 12 inchesEVENING SUN2018 acrylic and oil on dyed canvas 20 x 18 inches (private collection)SUMMER NIGHT Kayla Mohammadi2018 acrylic and oil on board 16 x 12 inchesSAILOR'S DELIGHT Kayla Mohammadi2018 oil on canvas 12 x 9 inchesJOHN'S BAY Kayla Mohammadi2018 oil on board 16 x 12 inchesENVELOPE2015 acrylicHEAT OF THE DAY2018 acrylic and oil on panel 24 x 18 inches (Collection of the Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College, Lynchburg VA)COLOR PRESS2019 oil and acrylic 16 x 20 inchesMOONSCAPE VIII2016 oil on wood 20 x 16 inchesFRUIT BOWL (small)2022 oil on panel 11 x 14 inchesBIRDBATH II2022 acrylic and oil on PVC 20 x 11 inchesFLOAT LINES2022 acrylic on canvas. 59 x 45 inchesTANGERINE SUNSET2024 oil on panel 16 x 12 inchesFISHERMAN'S NET2018 acrylic and oil on board 14 x 18 inchesFENWAY III (sold)2024 oil on canvas 20 x 16 inchesWALPOLE WINTER II2024 oil on panel 12 x 12 inchesBLUE JADE SURF POINT (Farnsworth Art Museum Collection)2024 oil on canvas 48 x 39 inches