- DROWNED2019 casein on panel 8 1/2 x 11 inchesWINTER BIRCH (FOR NAN SHEPHERD)2018 casein on panel 8 1/2 x 11 inchesTAMARACK2008 casein on panel 18 x 24 inchesPATH TO THE RIVER2004 casein on panel 30 x 24 inchesSUNSET AT NORWAY POINT2011 casein on panel 18 x 24 inches Collection of L.L. BeanBEND IN THE RIVER2011 casein on panel 20 x 30 inches Private CollectionSPRING QUARRY2010 casein on panel 24 x 18 inches Private CollectionHATCH2005 casein on panel 20 x 30 inches Private CollectionBODFISH VALLEY2001 casein on panel 17 3/4 x 35 1/2 inches Private CollectionDEADFALL2007 charcoal on wove paper 23 x 29 inches Private CollectionDROUGHT1995 casein on panel 26 x 20 inches Private CollectionFallen Nest 2007Alan Bray Fallen NestPUNCHBOWL POND2002 casein on panel 20 X 30 inches Private CollectionWINDROWS2007 casein on panel 8 x 10 inches Private CollectionSTUDY FOR PATH TO THE SKY2008 charcoal on wove paper 23 x 29 inches Private CollectionFLOOD2006 casein on panel 20 x 28 inches Public CollectionBELOW PEREGRINE RIDGE2003 casein on panel 20 x 28 inches Private CollectionSPRING'S ADVANCE2009 casein on panel 16 x 20 inches Private CollectionDOWNPOUR2013 casein on panel 20 x 24 inches Private CollectionHARBINGER2010 casein on panel 15 x 20 inches Private CollectionISLANDS2011 casein on panel 20 x 28 inches Private CollectionGROUND FOG2005 casein on panel 16 x 20 inches Private CollectionSLEW GUNDY FALLS2001 casein on panel 22 x 18 inches Private CollectionDEER STAND2003 casein on panel 24 x 24 inches in Private CollectionTHE FIBER FOR THE TREES2012 casein on paper 20 x 28 inches in Private CollectionSIX CROW'S GOLD2009 casein on panel 18 x 12 inches in Private CollectionLIVING AND DYING SIMULTANEOUSLY (For Bernd Heinrich)2018 casein on panel. 8 1/2 x 11 inches (private collection)INDIAN STREAM FALLS (BY MOONLIGHT)2001 casein on panel 27 7/8 x 19 1/2 inchesFLOATING LARCH2011 casein on panel 18 x 22 inchesSQUIRREL NEST2019 casein on panel 8 1/2 x 11 inchesFISH HOUSES by Alan Bray2019 casein on panel 8 1/2 x 11 inchesSENTINEL2020 casein on panel 20 x 16 inches (sold)LIFTING2021 casein on panel 16 x 20 inches (sold)Attrition2021 casein on panel 20 x 16 inches (sold)1BLUEJAY NEST2021 gouache on paper 12 1/2 x 12 inchesWINTER'S WORK2021 gouache on paper 16 x 17 1/4 inchLOST GROUND2010 casein on panel 16 x 20inchesUNBURDENED2017 casein on panel 16 x 20 inches In Private CollectionBLIND2014 casein on panel 16 x 20 inches In Private CollectionWINTER'S FALSE START2014 casein on penel 20 x 24 inches In Private CollectionDROWNED2006 casein on panel 18 x 24 inches In Private CollectionPEREGRINE RIDGE2005 casein on panel 20 x 30 inches In Private CollectionINDIAN STREAM FALLS1989 casein on panel 30 x 24 inchesOCTOBER SNOW (sold)2024 casein on panel 20 x 24 inches